
Both surface and groundwater today in India is facing huge quantity and quality threat. In India, Tamil Nadu stands first in the list of states affected by the problem of water crisis. Nowadays people show much interest in conserving the water bodies in and around their villages and towns. AHIMSA wants to make use of this opportunity to encourage the volunteers in the great task of harvesting rain water. This will definitely reduce the water problem both for drinking and agricultural usages. AHIMSA has planned to bring the involvement of Corporates into this affair. Urban areas are facing water logging due to torrential rain. It is time to engineer the ferocious events of rain. Channelizing and holding rain water must become the nation’s mission. Lakes, ponds, tanks which are built to hold water must be protected. These water bodies not only provide drinking water, support livelihoods and biodiversity but also control the rate of runoff and subsequently control the runoff.

AHIMSA has planned to implement tree planting project covered all ponds, tanks by the AHIMSA Farmers, Women and Youth Clubs. Data collection process has been going on. This project is being a unique model to protect the environment, global warming and promoting fish culture in the selected water bodies by the way of desalting the ponds, reservoirs, tanks and using the embankment to the cultivation of suitable plants by AHIMSA Farmers clubs. The proposals have sent to the Central and State Governments for financial supports.